Loneliness – or society problem well hide-


     For many years, with the industry and economy in development or in restriction, a psychological problem occurred and is currently on the rise. Loneliness.
Although there is evidence that being alone is good for himself because it allows sober reflection, to sit back and learn more about himself. In overdose, the loneliness can be a real pain.
The French Federation of Cardiology says: loneliness and isolation are the enemies of the heart.
She explains that the lonely persons or without social relations are two times more likely than others to develop severe pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases. Isolation can indeed, after some time, lead to physical inactivity, weight gain, increased stress, which can trigger smoking, poor diet, or lead to higher blood pressure on alone people.

Young people are increasingly affected by loneliness, after old people. Indeed,

18-35 years give three main reasons to the birth of this feeling:
* the lack of money (35%)
* relationship problems with others (31%)
* lack of time (27%)
In frontline: women (58%) and the paris region (29%) often complain of being alone.
( lacroix.fr)
With the social media, this phenomenon is amplified.

On the Web, friendship remains theoretical. The lonely people report having an average of 178 virtual friends on social networks against only 7 « real » friends.
   Despite press articles, medical reports or the therapy, loneliness remains a real problem in society today.With advanced individualism, it will do amplified with time. Learning to live with for those who suffer, remains a real learning. Knowing how to live, smile, presence can already helped a lot. The most important is to observe and open our ears to detect this weakness in others for their help. 


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